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What is 5G Male Plus?

5G Male Enhancement The World Health Organization (who) has established the values considered normal for the parameters of program (volume, concentration, mobility, viability, morphology, etc.), and any man who obtains values below these thresholds may have problems in obtaining a pregnancy with his partner.

There are some factors (e.g. genetic abnormalities) that determine suboptimal parameters of sperm, but most often the causes of an abnormal program 5G Male Enhancement cannot be identified. Unfortunately, there is no general treatment valid for improving sperm quality, a treatment indicated in some cases being completely useless in others.

One of the complex causes that could have led to the degradation of sperm quality worldwide in recent decades is represented by lifestyle and exposure to toxic substances. Relying on this hypothesis, the first recommended measures for men trying to improve the program values following the increase in sperm quality is based on lifestyle adjustment.

Numerous studies have aimed to identify treatments to improve sperm, but in the vast majority of cases the results are not very convincing. However, there are some measures that could have a positive effect on sperm, and because their implementation does not require special effort or exaggerated costs, men who experience difficulties in a pregnant partner can try them.

Any abnormal program should lead to a consultation with a urologist and endocrinologist to identify possible treatable causes (varicocele, infections, hormonal disorders, etc.).
Moreover, poor sperm quality can be the cause of abortions in the same way as poor egg quality (especially after 35 years) can be the basis of an abortion. Unfortunately, the investigation of recurrent abortions often omits the execution of a program.

The parameters investigated in a routine program do not guarantee adequate sperm quality even if they are in normal ranges because of they only provide information from the outside (how sperm look, how they move, etc.) and do not say 5g male enhancement review anything about the genetic material (DNA) contained. I mention this in order to extrapolate the recommendation to improve the lifestyle including men who are trying to conceive and have a normal program, especially if they receive the diagnosis of unexplained subfertility (together with the partner).

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